City guides
United States of America
Big Island Travel Guide
Known as Big Island to avoid confusion, the Island of Hawaii is the largest in the archipelago and, at an estimated age of less than half a million years, the youngest. It's one of the few places on earth where travellers can go from snowboarding to snorkelling in a single day! Local legend has it that the volcano goddess Pele and the demi-god Kamapua'a, who could control the weather, battled for the island and eventually decided to divide it. Pele took the hot, dry western half and Kamapua'a ended up with the wet, tropical east.
Big Island, however, actually has twelve distinct climatic zones ranging from tropical rain forests in the east to the frozen tundra atop Mauna Kea, and the arid desert of Ka'u in the south. This diversity makes Hawaii's Big Island an unrivalled pleasure ground for active holidaymakers, the island's resorts offering every type of outdoor activity imaginable. To add to the thrill there is the attraction of two active volcanoes on this island. The Kilauea Caldera is the longest continuously erupting volcano in the world, with its present eruptive phase dating back to 1983; Mauna Loa last erupted in 1984. Of the three other volcanoes on the island two, Mauna Kea and Kohala, are extinct, while Hualalai is considered to be dormant. All of this volcanic action has meant that holidaymakers can decide on their preferred beach sand tones ranging from white to red, black and even green.
Together with the diverse ecosystems of Big Island, visitors can look forward to the rich Polynesian Hawaiian culture, which has absorbed some interesting elements from both Asia and Europe, creating a colourful mix. On the coast visitors can dance the hula at an authentic luau feast, while upcountry they will find a blend of Portuguese and Mexican culture combined with Hawaiian tradition among the 'Paniolos' (cowboys) on the giant cattle ranches.