
Electrical current is 110 volts, 60Hz. Two-pin flat blade attachment plugs and three-pin (two flat blades with round grounding pin) plugs are in use.


Spanish is the official language of Colombia.


The unit of currency is the Colombian peso (COP), which is divided into 100 centavos. US dollars and euros are easy to exchange, but travellers should only use recognised banks and money exchanges, and avoid changing money on the street. Credit and debit cards are widely accepted in hotels, shops and restaurants, though cash may be necessary in rural areas; it's best to be wary of credit card fraud and robbery at ATMs. Apple Pay and Google Pay are supported. Travellers should keep receipts in case they need to show customs what money they have spent when they leave the country.


Tipping is common and expected for most services. Waiters in restaurants should receive 10 percent of the bill if it hasn't automatically been added. Porters expect around a dollar per bag. It's not obligatory to tip taxi drivers, but 10 percent is appreciated. Hotels usually add a service charge of 10 percent to the bill.


There's a risk of mosquito borne illnesses such as dengue fever, Zika and malaria in areas that include the Caribbean Coast, the Amazon Basin and the Pacific Coast. The risk is particularly high during and just after the rainy season, when mosquitoes have more breeding sites in standing water. Visitors to these regions should cover their skin and use an approved insect repellent on uncovered skin. Altitude sickness is a factor in some parts of Colombia and can be life-threatening, so travellers should know about its symptoms and find out how to prevent or reduce its effects.

Visitors should not drink tap water, unbottled beverages or drinks with ice, and they should travel with sufficient quantities of their prescription medication, as it may not be available in Colombia. The medication should be in the original container and packed in the carry-on luggage, and travellers should carry a copy of their prescription. Medical care is adequate in major cities but varies in quality elsewhere, meaning travel insurance is essential. This should cover the cost of any medical treatment and repatriation.


Visitors should be wary of petty and violent crime, and take sensible precautionary measures during their stay in the country. These include ensuring that their belongings, including their passport and other travel documents, are secure at all times, and staying in reputable accommodations with good security. They should also avoid walking at night and showing signs of affluence. Militias left over from the civil war and those involved in the drug trade still operate in the frontier regions near Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela. Travellers can avoid them by sticking to the main routes or going on organised tours. Anyone looking to visit the Lost City in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta should opt for a tour.

Some beaches are unsupervised and many don't have warning flags to make visitors aware of unsafe conditions. Lifeguard services don't always meet the standard travellers may be accustomed to in the home country; tidal changes can cause powerful currents and riptides are common. Beachgoers should respect the areas reserved for swimming, avoid beaches and coastal areas if the weather forecast is poor, and consult residents and tour operators for information on possible hazards and safe swimming areas.

Local customs

Family is a core aspect of Colombian society, and traditional household roles are widely celebrated. Family will also always take precedence over business or friends, so it's important not to take offence if sidelined for a family matter. Religion, particularly Christianity, is another important facet of Colombian culture.

Homosexuality is not widely accepted and it's sadly advised that same-sex couples couples be discreet. Colombians use both their maternal and paternal surnames, with the paternal surname listed first and used in conversation if addressing someone by his or her title.

If visiting a local in their home, guests can take the usual dinner party gifts such as wine or chocolates. Table manners are important, too, so guests should always keep their hands above the table, refrain from sitting or eating until invited by their host, and avoid eating with their hands.

Doing business

Formality in Colombian business is expected, more so inland than at the coast, and this applies to protocol as well as to dress. Punctuality for appointments is important, regardless of whether the host is there on time or not, and handshakes are customary on arriving and departing.

Many business people speak English, although all presentation materials and documentation should be translated into Spanish and the use of visual aids used where possible. It might be necessary to use a translator, but it's best to check beforehand to avoid causing offence.

Business cards should also be printed in both English and Spanish. The importance of building social relationships should not be underestimated, and small talk before and after meetings is vital towards building a sense of trust and goodwill. Business hours are generally 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Duty free

Travellers to Colombia over 18 years do not have to pay duty on 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 500g of tobacco; perfume for personal use; and 2 bottles of alcohol per passenger.


The international dialling code for Colombia is +57. WiFi is widely available in most cities, with free access usually found in cafes, restaurants and hotels. Travellers can purchase local prepaid SIM cards for unlocked phones or use eSIMs if their cellular providers support it on their networks.

Passport & Visa

All tourists visiting Colombia must hold valid passports, tickets, and documents for onward or return travel, and sufficient funds to cover their stay. Tourists must have confirmed accommodation on arrival. It's recommended that passports be valid for six months after the intended period of travel. Visitors traveling to San Andres (ADZ) or Leticia (LET) are required to purchase a Tourist Card.

Entry requirements

US nationals must have a passport valid for the period of intended stay, but do not require a visa for tourist stays of up to 90 days.

British nationals must have a passport valid for the period of intended stay, but do not require a visa for touristic stays of up to 90 days.

Canadians must hold a passport valid for six months beyond their expected date of departure, but do not require a visa for touristic stays of up to 90 days.

Australians must have a passport valid for the period of intended stay, but do not require a visa for touristic stays of up to 90 days.

South Africans must have a passport valid for the period of intended stay. South Africans require a visa which can be obtained online before departure, at www.cancilleria.gov.co. Passengers must have printed e-visa confirmation.

Irish nationals must have a passport valid period of intended stay, but do not require a visa for touristic stays of up to 90 days.

New Zealanders require a passport valid period of intended stay, but no visa is necessary for a touristic stay of up to 90 days.

Useful contacts

123 (general emergencies), 112 (police), 1 337 4413 (tourist police)

Embassies / consulates in other countries

Embassy of Colombia, Washington DC, United States: +1 202 387 8338.

Embassy of Colombia, London, United Kingdom (also responsible for Ireland): +44 20 7589 9177.

Embassy of Colombia, Ottawa, Canada: +1 613 230 3760.

Consulate-General of Colombia, Sydney, Australia: +61 2 9955 0311.

Embassy of Colombia, Pretoria, South Africa: +27 012 362 3106.

Embassy of Colombia, Dublin, Ireland: +353 1 563 7727.

Consulate of Colombia, Wellington, New Zealand: +64 4 499 5534.

Embassies / consulates in Colombia

United States Embassy, Bogota: +57 1 275 2000.

British Embassy, Bogota: +57 1 326 8300.

Canadian Embassy, Bogota: +57 1 657 9800.

Australian Embassy, Bogota: +57 1 6577800.

South African Embassy, Caracas, Venezuela (also responsible for Colombia): +58 212 952 0026.

Honorary Consul of Ireland, Bogota: +57 1 432 0695.

New Zealand Consulate, Bogota: +57 1 4391666.